
Shayla R. Colbert

I’m a Black Woman, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Business Professional and Mental Wellness Advocate. I listed Black Woman first because often times black women don’t acknowledge themselves first, if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of anyone else or optimize at our fullest potential in other areas of our lives. I started advocating unknowingly when I started my personal therapy journey post my divorce in 2015.

I was full of unprocessed and what’s often considered “shameful” (which are essentially) normal emotions of rejection, loneliness, and humiliation. As I began really doing the work of being open and honest with myself, I understood the foundation of my unprocessed trauma tied to my childhood experiences and relationships. Through my internal work I was so excited to share this new epiphany via social media with relatable and insightful posts from mental health and wellness pages I followed through my social media account and text from books I read to gain additional insight of myself.

I gained engagement on those posts from others and I thought to myself what if I could host live conversations around mental health and wellness topics, I then started with a friend and then started reaching out to mental health professionals to seek their interest with having a conversations with me around topics about emotional wellness, emotional intelligence, mother daughter relationships and how it impacts the daughter mental health and the trauma the mother experience, understanding grief, black men mental and emotional wellness, understanding the LGBTQ+ community mental health challenges and an array of other mental and emotional wellness topics.

I received so much feedback and anticipation from my followers on Instagram and Facebook about my next live conversation post. This is when I knew I truly tapped into my passion and purpose! I’m so appreciative of the support and the community I’m helping to build around mitigating the stigma of mental health and wellness amongst people of color.


Connect With Shay

Contact me for collaborations, hosting, moderating and more!